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Robert Cooper Choral Scholars

Chorus Niagara welcomes singers between the ages of 18 and 25 to audition for the Robert Cooper Choral Scholars (RCCS) program. This program provides a platform for young adult singers to explore their artistic potential and hone their vocal and choral skills through opportunities to perform as soloists and choral leaders and be mentored by one of Canada's foremost choral musicians. Emerging singers participating in the RCCS program are provided with a generous stipend to rehearse and perform with Chorus Niagara for a season.



Robert Cooper Choral Scholars are singers dedicated to expanding their musical horizons.  Chorus Niagara is committed to a high level of musical excellence from all its members whilst also being a vibrant group that embraces friendship, inspires creativity, and offers a supportive environment for music-making and personal growth! Community plays an important role in the Chorus Niagara singer experience, and it is our hope that scholars will invest themselves in becoming part of the positive and supportive community that is CN. This is an exciting opportunity to sing in a position of vocal leadership in a welcoming group of community singers who find joy singing together.


If you have a passion for singing, are studying voice, or music, privately or at the post-secondary level and wish to grow as a young artist, then RCCS is for you!




  • Multiple solo opportunities throughout the season

  • Perform in Partridge Hall at the FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre with an orchestra and other musical guests

  • Learn a wide array of repertoire from core choral classics to 21st century works and beyond

Leadership & Mentorship

  • Lead the choir in vocal warm-ups at regular intervals.

  • Assist and lead sectional rehearsals as needed.

  • Assist section heads in their weekly duties as needed.

  • Receive one-on-one coachings with the Artistic Director and Associate Conductor in relation to running effective sectional rehearsals, solo preparation and singing with an orchestra.

Other Ways Scholars Can Be Involved

  • Participate in social media content creation and recruitment efforts throughout the season.

  • Gain committee experience through active involvement in the Communications committee for the duration of the season.

Julianna RCCS Testimonial - Website (6).png

2024/2025 RCCS


Bailey Williams

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Sarah Chadwick


Attendance at rehearsals Monday evenings 7:00-10:00pm from September through May; 4 concerts per year; other occasional small engagements as required

Elizabeth testimonial.png


Part 1: Application Form Completion

Complete and submit the online application form HERE


* Should you have any recent (within the past 12 months) videos of a solo performance that you'd like to share with us prior to a live audition, please send the UNLISTED Youtube link to Elise Naccarato at *


Part 2: Live Audition 

Please prepare 2 contrasting selections. Bring two copies of the music with you to the audition; an accompanist will be provided. As musicianship skills are an important part of being an RCCS, you will be asked to sing scales to determine your range as well as a simple sight singing excerpt and rhythm test. 

Honorarium Provided!

2024 Scholars Salon

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